Surfa, denbora galtzea
Idazlea Inigo Urdinaga, ArgitaratuaAipuak, Liburutik kanpokoak
(Surfing) is a complete waste of time. That is what I chose to do with my life
Miki Dora. (All for a Few Perfect Waves. David Rensin, 2008)“Waves are the ultimate illusion. They come out of nowhere, instantaneously materialize and just as quickly they break and vanish. Chasing after such fleeting mirages is a complete waste of time. That is what I chose to do with my life“.
Hau da, gutxi gorabehera:
“Olatuak irudipen gorena dira. Auskalonondik datoz, berehalakoan gorpuztu, eta azkar hautsi eta desagertzen dira. Lilura iheskor horien atzetik ibiltzea, denbora galtze erabatekoa da. Hori aukeratu nuen neure bizitzarako.
Miki Dora.